Marini’s serves more than just a basic spirit and mixer. Rich in our collection of fine spirits, and albums of vintage cigars, there is no better place to sign a business deal, celebrate an engagement, or even make our cocktail bar the place to pop the question.
The lounge at Marini’s is made of velvet and leather accompanied by a perfumed cigar aroma. We understand the hallmarks of high quality cigars, including distinction and consistency. While there are many merely good cigars in existence, Marini’s on 57 only provides the most famous premium and authentic cigar brands in the world fresh from Cuba. Our vintage cigar lounge KL offers a series of fabulous blends in a variety of shapes, strength and size, providing a true connoisseurs choice to accommodate your palate and to complement the drink at hand.
Elevate your senses with a wide selection of the best cocktails around at Marini’s lounge. Wind down under the twinkle of the Twin Towers while enjoying good music in cosy, chic surroundings.
Our authentic cigar and KL lounge bar menu, fresh from Cuba, caters to all needs with a range of exceptional blends in various shapes, strength and size to accommodate your taste and tipple.
Daily. 5pm to 3am
Strictly smart attire. (No head gears, shorts, slippers and flip flops allowed)
The Management reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone who does not comply with the house rules.
Permits only adults age 21 and above.
The Marini’s Group has taken special care to provide our guests with the right atmosphere for an enjoyable experience. While we understand that guests would like to take pictures to remember their evening with us, we would like to remind guests to observe the photo etiquette.
• Please be respectful of the other guests at all times
• No flash photography or videography
• No sound effects or camera noises
• No standing up to photograph/video food
• No bulky camera equipment or tripods
• No taking pictures of other guests
Kindly note that if you are seeking to photograph for commercial purposes or media use (mainstream media, blogs, social media, etc.), please contact our Marketing and PR departments to obtain permission prior to your visit.