As we celebrate our Viva Marini Bartending Competition in commemoration of our 10 Year Anniversary, we explore what elements are the most important when it comes to nailing cocktail competitions. From preparing to specs, to practice, here’s a few ways for you to assure victory.
Preparation Is Key
Like with all competitions of exams, preparation is key. Always make sure you that you have prepared well. You should at least rehearse preparing your cocktails at least 3 times, with a timer and with an audience if possible. This way you’re able to see where goes wrong and those can be points for improvement.
Test Run Your Timing
As timing is of the essence, always make sure you’re able to prepare your cocktails in as timely manner. It makes a great deal of as points are usually deducted for going above the time limit.
When making cocktails, make sure to read the instructions. If you’re required to make 2 or 3 cocktails, make sure to portion it right. Remember, most shakers are optimal for 2 cocktails, so if you have to make three, make sure to adjust your timing accordingly, and if needed, use 2 shakers.
Know Your Products
When you’re taking part in a competition which uses specific spirits, make sure to find out a bit about those brands and try to work them into the narrative of your cocktail. For example, why you’re using that product and what their strengths are.
You’re Making Cocktails For The Judges
Never forget that you’re competing for the judges, so they are the most important people in the competition, so it’s key to direct all your attention to them. Yes, you can play to the crowd a bit which will raise the atmosphere, but do remember that they are the ones you need to impress.
Taste Your Cocktails
One thing people tend to not do is taste their cocktails. Remember to do this each and every time. Don’t forget that limes and lemons can be inconsistent, by tasting all your products on the day of competition will assure a better and more consistent cocktail.
As most cocktails will require your narration on the cocktail, its best to rehearse your story in front of someone, this way you can get feedback as well as know where you might slip up, this will help you immensely.
Practice, Practice, Practice
There is no better way to get good at something other than practicing. Remember, timing, narration, taste, and repeat. Do this a few times to ensure all goes smoothly. Try to rehearse in front of senior bartenders will increase your chance of performing well on the day.
There you have it. Some pointers on how to do well in a cocktail competition. Remember to always be prepared, know your products, and most importantly, watch your timing, you don’t want points deducted unnecessarily. We wish you good luck and all the best to all contestants.